A welcoming speech was made by Konstantin Kogos, deputy head of ISMC and Pavel Ryabov, associate professor of the Institute of Cyber Intelligence Systems.
Philip Lebedev, assistant of Department of Cryptology and Cyber Security, a member of the CTF team #1 in Russia and #3 in the world "More Smoked Leet Chicken", presented the results of a security study of video conferencing platforms: Zoom, Skype, Discord, WebEx and answered questions from webinar participants.
Natalia Omerova, head of the office of collaboration with industry partners, spokes about the mentoring club and the partner network of the ISMC of MEPhI
At the end of the webinar a new online course of the MNMC NRU MEPhI "Information security for a modern teacher" was announced. Registration for the course is already available at the link:https://ismc.mephi.ru/information-security-for-teachers. Training is free for teachers of Russian Universities. All students who have completed the training will receive a NRNU MEPhI certificate of advanced training.