On the 13th of May, an online discussion focused on virtual laboratory works in the implementation of natural science disciplines was held by ISMC MEPhI
2020-05-14 14:51
The event was attended by 580 online listeners from more than 70 organizations from different country regions. More than 770 people were registered. The event was also attended by representatives of universities from Republic of Armenia, Republic of Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyz Republic. During the event, we discussed how the tools of virtual and augmented reality allow for the teaching of natural science in distance learning and train medical students to manipulations and operations. The full video of the event is available at the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vovn2M-uu3s
The event was opened by Konstantin Kogos, Deputy Head of the ISMC MEPhI.
The online was moderated by Pavel Ryabov, Head of the Office of Academic Affairs of the Institute of Cyber Intelligence Systems and Natalia Omerova, Head of The Grant Office MEPhI.
Alexey Shumnov, expert in the field of VR/AR, Director of the "Arport" company, shared how virtual and augmented reality technologies are used in the implementation of the educational process. Alexey has prepared "Methodical materials on the use of VR technologies in the educational process" as part of the activities of the ISMC MEPhI.
Aykush Kazaryan, head of the virtual technologies Department of the "IT medicine" breakthrough research center of SamSMU, continued the discussion. Aykush shared the experience of the application of virtual reality technology in medical education.
Alexander Vinogradov, Director of the chemical and biological cluster, and Mikhail Kurushkin, head of the laboratory of neuropedagogics of chemical education, our colleagues from ITMO University, made a report. Alexander and Mikhail focused on involving students to the implementation of various educational tracks, supporting their motivation and involvement in project activities. Students actively participate in the work of the chemical and biological cluster of ITMO University.
We were happy to meet again with Margarita Stoyanova, Ph. D., Deputy Director for the educational direction of the inter-industry engineering center "Composites of Russia" of the Bauman Moscow state technical University. Margarita shared with the audience a case on translating the training of a composite engineer to remote, demonstrating a solution developed based on the intersectoral VR center for the assembly of the wing caisson. Margarita also shared her international experience in conducting student competitions in composites.
At the end of the webinar, Viktor Baykov, head of the development team of ISMC MEPhI, announced a new online course on VR technologies. Registration for the course will be available soon. Training is free for teachers of Russian universities. All participants who have completed the training will get MEPhI certificate of advanced training.