On the 22nd of June, an online scientific and practical seminar on "Digitalization of the educational process in higher education" was held.

On the 22nd of June, the International scientific and methodological center of MEPhI and the International center for public diplomacy of MEPhI in partnership with the Kazy Dikambayeva Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic and ANO "Center for business competence development" held an online scientific and practical seminar on "Digitalization of the educational process in higher education".

The main objectives of the event were to discuss practical aspects of the transition of education online, the organization of this process on the scale of each individual University. The seminar was attended by more than 50 representatives of universities in Russia and Kyrgyzstan.

Boris Tulinov, Director of the Institute of international relations of MEPhI. Wellcome words.
Kurmanbek Abdyldaev, rector of Issyk-Kul State University (Kyrgyz Republic).
Abdikadir Abidov, rector of Osh Technical University (Kyrgyz Republic).
Chinara Adamkulova, rector of the Diplomatic Academy of Kazy Dikambayev of the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Ryskul Djumaliev, head of the Department of state and foreign languages of the Diplomatic Academy of Kazy Dikambayev of the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Valentin Klimov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Cyber Intelligence Systems of MEPhI.
Konstantin Kogos acting head of the International scientific and methodological center of MEPhI.
Pavel Ryabov, head of the Office of Academic Affairs of the Institute of Cyber Intelligence Systems of MEPhI.
Tashtan Siyaev, rector of Naryn State University (Kyrgyz Republic).
Aibek Upenov, rector of the Talas State University (Kyrgyz Republic).
Edward Lozansky, Professor of MEPhI and Lomonosov Moscow State University, President of the American University in Moscow

The event was moderated by
Moderators of the event:
Artem Zharov, deputy head of the international center for public diplomacy of MEPhI.
Ainur Jorobekova, head of the Department of "International relations and law" of the Diplomatic Academy of Kazi Dikambaev of the Ministry of foreign affairs of Kyrgyzstan.
Natalia Omerova, head of the Office of collaboration with industry partners.
Oleg Gurov, director of the ANO "Center for business competence development".

Speakers shared their practical experience and best practices. V. Klimov reviewed the concept of "Digital University", its opportunities and prospects, and spoke about the experience of MEPhI in the use of digital technologies in the educational process.
Ch. Adamkulova told about the digitalization of the higher education system in Kyrgyzstan, the transition of universities in the Kyrgyz Republic to a distance-learning format. K. Kogos described the digital capabilities of MEPhI, told about the ISMC's training development programs in the field of mathematics and information technology, and invited all participants to cooperate. R. Dzhumalieva made a report on "Features of innovative methods in teaching the state (Kyrgyz) language in the transition to online learning", told about available Internet resources and features of their use. P. Ryabov considered the competence model of a modern teacher, including universal, basic, and end-to-end competencies, soft skills. The speaker noted that for the successful implementation of educational processes in the current conditions, the teacher needs to move from an expert position to a position of tutoring.

Summing up the seminar, the participants of the event thanked the organizers and speakers, noted that the international coverage of the event allowed them to share best practices and create a basis for mutually beneficial cooperation.