On the 22nd of June, a scientific and practical online seminar on "Digitalization of the educational process in higher education" will be held

2020-06-19 15:39
On the 22nd of June, the International center for public diplomacy of the IIR MEPhI and the International scientific and methodological center of MEPhI in partnership with the Diplomatic Academy of Kazy Dikambayev of the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic and ANO "Center for business competence development" will hold a scientific and practical online seminar on "Digitalization of the educational process in higher education".

During the event, experts will share the best practices of implementing the educational process in the digital space. The event aims to discuss practical aspects of the transition of education online, the organization of this process at the university level, and the best practices implemented.
Moderators of the event:

Artem Zharov, deputy head of the international center for public diplomacy of MEPhI.
Ainur Jorobekova, head of the Department of "International relations and law" of the Diplomatic Academy of Kazi Dikambaev of the Ministry of foreign affairs of Kyrgyzstan.
Natalia Omerova, head of the Office of collaboration with industry partners.
Oleg Gurov, director of the ANO "Center for business competence development".

Boris Tulinov, Director of the Institute of international relations of MEPhI. Wellcome words.
Kurmanbek Abdyldaev, rector of Issyk-Kul State University (Kyrgyz Republic).
Abdikadir Abidov, rector of Osh Technical University (Kyrgyz Republic).
Chinara Adamkulova, rector of the Diplomatic Academy of Kazy Dikambayev of the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Ryskul Djumaliev, head of the Department of state and foreign languages of the Diplomatic Academy of Kazy Dikambayev of the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Valentin Klimov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Cyber Intelligence Systems of MEPhI.
Konstantin Kogos acting head of the International scientific and methodological center of MEPhI.
Pavel Ryabov, head of the Office of Academic Affairs of the Institute of Cyber Intelligence Systems of MEPhI.
Tashtan Siyaev, rector of Naryn State University (Kyrgyz Republic).
Aibek Upenov, rector of the Talas State University (Kyrgyz Republic).
Edward Lozansky, Professor of MEPhI and Lomonosov Moscow State University, President of the American University in Moscow

Following the results of the speaker's presentations, the audience will have a discussion session on the topic of opportunities and prospects for distance education.